How To Develop Critical Thinking Abilities In Children, Why Does It Matter?

Do you remember the times when we used to question everything as kids? Our minds would be curious about everything. Critical thinking is the drive to conceive, analyze, and evaluate the information using our observations and experiences. Every child should practice critical thinking and acquire it as a talent.

Because of the complexity of situations and the competitive, technologically driven market that awaits a child when they grow up, critical thinking is useful in the modern world.

Pragyanam School, the top CBSE School in Gurgaon, provides some helpful parenting advice to assist you in raising a smart and intelligent child.

What is Critical Thinking?

Despite the fact that the idea of critical thinking for kids is a hot topic, many people might not fully grasp what it is and what it implies for kids.

Critical thinking can be defined as the capacity for logical thought, the capacity to evaluate new information and judge if it is accurate or inaccurate, and the capacity for in-depth problem-solving thought. It involves being inquisitive, creative, and open-minded to see and think in new ways and to generate new concepts or solutions.

Why is critical thinking skill important for kids?

Children of all ages should practice critical thinking, regardless of their social standing. Given that political officials could not have established regulations to uphold social security and that medical professionals and researchers could not have developed treatments for contagious diseases, humans would not have lived without the use of critical thinking. It is undeniable that critical thinking is crucial to human existence.

Children are expected to think critically in today’s competitive and rapidly changing world. They are not only expected to learn knowledge off by heart, but also to truly grasp it and to analyze, compare, examine, innovate, argue, and develop their critical thinking abilities. The Philosophy Foundation’s co-founder and co-CEO, Peter Worley, believes that it’s crucial for kids to develop critical thinking abilities at primary school age.

Activities to Enhance Critical Thinking Abilities in Children

1. Inculcate Creativity

Encourage your youngster to illustrate her ideas with a scene. To translate our ideas into images, we use critical thinking abilities.

That is the basis for the value placed on art. It’s not a simple task. Play Pictionary with older kids and ask them to explain their drawings.

2. Play Classification Games

Logical reasoning benefits greatly from classification and sorting abilities.

Ask your youngster to arrange the same collection of creatures or items according to various criteria, such as size, color, shape, geometry, and so on. Sort animals into groups according to their habitats, dietary patterns, physical characteristics, reproductive strategies, etc.

Children can better comprehend the differences and similarities among distinct groups by participating in these sorting exercises.

3. Work together to solve puzzles and brainteasers

These are fantastic for helping kids solve problems. Jigsaw puzzles, tic tac toe, mazes, or whatever else your child enjoys.

Together, you can work through puzzles and brainteasers to enable your kids pick up tips from you and develop their own game plans.

While engaging in these activities by themselves may be discouraging for children, a playful, encouraging parent can really help.

4. The Real Problem Play

Bring in a hypothetical issue from the actual world, such as a water shortage, and invite the students to come up with answers. Children can learn about their surroundings and environment by playing these activities.

Additionally, it helps kids comprehend the difficulties encountered in daily life. Encourage them to develop solutions at their level and to implement them as well.

As we considered how utilizing a steel straw could lessen the waste produced by straws and help to rescue numerous marine lives. We came up with an idea to replace plastic bags with reusable cloth bags created from an old t-shirt.

5. Use Blocks Creatively

Building logical abilities is a great use of blocks. They assist kids in giving their imaginations a sensibility. They are also excellent for loose parts play.

Her brain’s neurons light up each time you urge your kindergartener to turn old blocks into brand-new games.

6. Encourage Thought

Have them come up with their own questions and possible responses. Instead than giving the solution, assist in the process of arriving at it.

Ask them to reason with their own solutions once they have come up with a potential explanation.

They can improve their opinions and identify weaknesses (or points of support) in their own arguments by engaging in the metacognitive process of thinking about thinking. enhancing their capacity for critical thought.

7. Instruct in cause-and-effect

Allow children to autonomously experiment and test in a secure setting. Simple explorations led to many discoveries. Such adventures frequently provide valuable cause and effect lessons.

The venerable game of Marbles is excellent for teaching cause and effect. Snooker and pool follow the same rules.

Related: The best approach to teach cause and effect is through science experiments. Try a couple of the science experiments for preschoolers on our extensive collection.

8. Allow them to Speculate

Ask the audience their predictions for what will happen and how the story will end while you pause in the middle of a story.

These types of open-ended inquiries stimulate the brain’s gray matter and compel it to generate logical and original solutions. Give them some time to reflect and come up with a well-rounded response.

You can also pose open-ended questions based on actual life events, such as asking someone to come up with a solution to a traffic gridlock.

9. Play a game of guessing

Guessing games are fantastic for developing reasoning abilities. Our preferred game is “Animal Guess Who.” Give your youngster cues about the animal before letting them make the identification.

10. Confound Them

Riddles are a fantastic method to stimulate the brain and get your kid to think critically and logically. The best part is that puzzles are a lot of fun! Even if you were covertly developing your children’s critical thinking abilities, they wouldn’t know it.

11. Unsmart Charades

Another easy family game involves the child deciphering the sign language of his teammate in order to predict the name of the movie (STEM or sci-fi movies make it harder).

12. Let them act as sleuths

By allowing your child to put on the detective hat, you can improve their critical reasoning and thinking abilities.

Kids could have a lot of fun and practice critical thinking skills by participating in a straightforward treasure hunt to uncover a concealed object of delight.

Introduce the fundamentals of kid-friendly crime scene investigation to older children to give them a taste of the genuine excitement and a secure environment in which to hone their critical thinking skills.

13. Rebus Puzzles

These imaginative visual puzzles are ideal for honing children’s critical thinking abilities. They are excellent for visual learners and covertly improve literacy abilities.


Finally, given that children often think in a simple, literal manner, encouraging children to develop their critical thinking skills may appear difficult for parents with limited teaching expertise. This is a lengthy process, similar to building a castle over several days. Pragyanam a CBSE School in Gurgaon always encourage parents and school administrators must have patience as they teach and reinforce teaching strategies while assisting students in developing greater critical thinking skills. Put students in a critical thinking attitude by using the advice above to get them ready for high school, college, and beyond!

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