The 10 Biggest Spiders in the World

Do you suffer from a fear of spiders or arachnophobia? Yes, if so, you probably don’t want to see the world’s biggest spiders. They are very dangerous and may cause injury. Don’t forget: Knowledge is Power! Find out everything you need to know about these creepy crawly species and figure out exactly where they live so you can plan your vacation accordingly.

This post explains how to identify the 10 biggest spiders in the world, including their size, diet, habitat, and behavior.

The 10 Biggest Spiders in the World
The 10 Biggest Spiders in the World

Goliath Birdeater: 12 Inches

The largest spider on Earth is the Goliath birdeater, weighing around 7. Tarantulas are a type of spider. They can bite and they sometimes deliver a venom that’s similar to that of a wasp sting. Bites from barbed wire are painful and can cause itching and inflammation for weeks, months or years. Although it’s sometimes called the bird-eating spider, it doesn’t eat people.  You could catch your own shrimp and boil them, or you could buy them already cooked.

Where It Lives: In the Amazonian rainforests and swamps of the northern region of If you like, you can keep one as a pet. Feeding it birds is not necessary. A spider readily accepts insects as food.

Giant Huntsman Spider: 12 Inches

The most massive spider is the Goliath birdeater, but the giant huntsman has longer legs and a bigger appearance. Huntsman spiders are recognized by the twisted orientation of their legs, which gives them a crab-like walk. The venomous spider bite may need hospitalization. If you live in a tropical or subtropical area, listen for the loud rustling of leaves when males call.

There’s a reason walking in the opposite direction of the ticking sound protects you from the males, but doesn’t protect you from the females. It’s only in a cave in Laos, but related gigantic huntsman spiders are found in all warm and temperate regions of the planet.

Brazilian Salmon Pink Birdeater: 11 Inches

They are called pink birdeaters because of their unique coloration. These spiders are the second largest arachnid species in the world. Their bite is not toxic. They eat almost everything, including large insects. Some people call them “Brazilian salmon,” but that name does not come from their colors, but rather from their food preferences. They are found in South America, and they are often found in trees.

The female hunts in daylight, while the male hunts at night. A male spider will call out when a female comes near him. The male will usually follow her into the burrow and they will mate. The female will kill and eat the male. If a female is hungry, she can eat about 50 percent of her body weight each day. It is believed that if a female eats more than this amount of food, she will die soon.

Grammostola anthracina: 10+ Inches

Grammostola anthracina: This is a beautiful spider. It has a bright orange body with black spots. The female is brown, and the male is golden yellow. The females have two long legs, while the males have four legs. They have a wide abdomen, which is yellowish-orange.

A big question people ask is: How big is the world’s biggest spider? According to scientists, the answer is that the world’s biggest spider is Grammostola Anthracina. It can grow to about 10 inches. This is because it eats large amounts of food each day. It is known as the tree spider because it can climb up trees to hide. The spiders usually hang in the canopy.

A female G. anthracina can eat about 50 percent of its body weight each day. It hunts at night and calls out when a female comes near it. It is believed that if a female eats more than this amount of food, she will die. This spider feeds on small insects. This spider is found in forests of South America.

Colombian Giant Tarantula: 6-8 Inches

This is the largest species of tarantula in the world. The tarantulas are the biggest spiders in the world. One Colombian giant tarantula can be about 6 inches long. It has eight legs, and its name means large hairy spider. This species of tarantula lives in the cloud forest of Colombia. There are many different types of tarantulas. Most of them are smaller than the ones mentioned above.

If one wants to know more about them, he or she can read about them online. These are some of the tarantulas that are in danger of becoming extinct. In fact, a female of the giant Colombian tarantula can eat more than a half of her own weight each day. She lives alone, and she has no mate. This makes her the biggest eater in the world. The tarantulas are usually seen hanging in the canopy in tropical rainforests.

They call out when a female comes near them. They eat small insects, and most of them are vegetarian. One of the greatest dangers for them is when they get stepped on.

Face-Sized Tarantula: 8 Inches

Tarantulas don’t only live in Central and South America. The face-sized Poecilotheria rajaei tarantula has adapted to deforestation in Sri Lanka to make its home in abandoned buildings. A spider with a common name is self-explanatory. Its scientific name, Poecilotheria, means “spotted wild beast.” Its favorite prey is birds, lizards, rodents, and snakes.

Where It Lives: An old-growth tree or old-growth building in Sri Lanka and India.

Hercules Baboon Spider: 8 Inches

Hercules Baboon spiders are large black spiders. They have eight eyes, but only six of them are on the front part of the head. They have a hairy body, legs, and abdomen. This spider eats mostly insects such as ants and cockroaches. The best habitat for them is to be found in Africa, India, and Sri Lanka.

They live in trees, caves, or in buildings. Some people call them Hercules spiders because of their size. The tarantula is a dangerous creature. People should avoid them because they can bite and inject venom into their victims. Their bites can cause severe pain and swollen limbs. They also have a dangerous bite. A bite can lead to death.

The giant desert crab spider (Phalangium opilio) is one of the largest species of spider. The giant desert crab spider can reach up to 6 inches. It is one of the most dangerous spiders in the world. It lives in dry desert areas. It eats mostly beetles and scorpions.

Camel Spider: 6 Inches

The camel spider, Phidippus sp., is a dangerous arachnid. It is about 5-inches long and can be found in many parts of the world. It is classified under the family of the harvestmen, and it is native to many countries, including China, Thailand, Cambodia, and India. These spiders have eight eyes. Their venom can kill humans within an hour of being bitten. They inject their prey with a neurotoxin and cause a heart attack.

Brazilian Wandering Spider: 5.9 Inches

The Brazilian wandering spider, Phoneutria fera, is found in many tropical and subtropical regions of South America. It is the largest spider in the world. Its size varies from 5.9 inches to 9 inches. These spiders have 8 eyes and two large black bands on their abdomens. They are poisonous and their venom is used as a pesticide. This is the only spider that has been used as a pesticide.

Cerbalus Aravaensis: 5.5 Inches

Cerbalus aravanus is found in the Andes of Colombia and Ecuador. It lives underground in burrows and its webs can cover up to five square meters. They can fly, jump and walk quickly. They are one of the most common and aggressive spiders in South America. The main danger of this spider is that its bite is very painful. It has a yellow belly with black markings. 

If you are bitten by this spider, you should seek medical attention immediately. Both males and females are found in the same burrow, but they don’t eat each other.





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